Bringing two charities together in one website as Asthma + Lung UK
The challenge
Asthma + Lung UK was born from two legacy brands (Asthma UK & British Lung Foundation) uniting together in their mission to fight for every breath. The unique challenge was to ensure that the newly created Asthma + Lung UK could build credible authority and knowledge in this space, encompassing the experience of both charities and within a newly formed brand and website. As such, the site needed to highlight the organisational change and previous efforts of both charities, whilst pinpointing clear user journeys for users trying to find potentially life-saving information.
- UX design
- Brand application
- Web design & development
- UX & QA testing
The solution
We began by exploring how the newly created identity could be realised in a digital setting, with development work reviewed by the Pentagram team to ensure it aligned with their vision. With the main challenges of the project front of mind and having gained a clear understanding of the users and their needs, we detailed out the sitemap, key user journeys and a list of modules with which to build out the site.
Simplifying user journeys
“From a UX perspective, the key challenges were: to clearly communicate to users that Asthma + Lung UK had formed as a result of the two legacy charities coming together and to clearly signpost users to the relevant areas to get support. We achieved this by designing a set of flexible modules which enabled us to tell the story of the charity and clearly express why they exist. It required a simple navigation structure and signposting through descriptive buttons and links which allow users to clearly identify their requirements and select the appropriate onward journey.”
Harley Southwick,
Senior Designer